What is the iHearTest?
The iHearTest is an over the counter home hearing screener that allows you
to test and profile your hearing ability at home. The iHearTest kit consists of
the iHearUSB device and calibrated earphones to ensure accurate hearing test
results. An assortment of ear tip sizes are also included to ensure proper fit of the
earphones in your ear for best results. You will need a personal computer with
online connection, Internet Browser and a USB port to connect the iHearUSB
device to your personal computer. You will also need to download the iHearTest
software application before you can administer the iHearTest.
The iHearTest system is illustrated below. Please familiarize yourself with the
iHearTest system components in order to better understand this User Guide.
Calibrated earphones
iHearUSB device
USB connection
Personal Computer
iHearTest Application