7. Special features of system setup
The setup of all probes is the same. However, due to the system setup there are 3 differently
weighted types of use of the probes.
Water level limiter probes:
If desired, probes can be defined as water level limiter
probes. These then switch the alarm output. Both low
water level monitoring and high water level monitoring
are possible (observe local regulations!).
“Control probes”:
These probes are for enabling via an output a
switching function (pump control, horn, or such like).
Water level probes:
These probes display via their state (submerged /
(not assigned)
emerged) only the current fill level.
Note the system reaction to state changes (also errors) of individual probes as
described in Chap. 4.2.
8. Commisioning
8.1 System setup
- Regulation-compliant assembly of the add-on housing on the boiler.
- Electrical connection as in Chap. 5, in particular Chap. 5.5.
- System planning
e.g. with system / assignment table (in correct operating state)
from the attachment to these mounting and operating instructions
- programming as in Chap. 6
8.2 Factory settings
on the top probe
correct operation = probe in steam
on the bottom probe (= probe no. 1) correct operation = probe in water
Output contact 1:
on probe 2
correct operation = probe in water
Output contact 7:
on probe 8*
correct operation = probe in water
* or on the top probe, if the system consists of less than 8 probes
All delays for switching operations are set to “00”s.
All 7 additional outputs have to been assigned to a probe, even if they are not in use.
IGEMA recommends to assign unused probes to the top probe. However there is the
possibility to create redundancy.