Setting leak warning range
In the closed position SSC2, the unit features
leak monitoring in the range from 0.0° to 15°.
Deposits or wear can be detected. This leak
warning range lies within the tolerance range
and is activated and defined by selecting a
value (>0) which is deduced from the tolerance
range limits.
1: Teach point
2: Leak warning range
3: Tolerance width
10.1 Timeout
Timeout indicates the maximum duration for closing or opening before the sensor
signals a blockage.
Adjustable time: between 0.1...30 s (factory setting 30 s).
In parallel, the parameters for the maximum closing and opening duration must be
adjusted manually (timeout ≥ maximum closing / opening duration).
10.2 Colours
For each switching output (SSC) different display colours of the LED ring can be
set individually.
You can choose among the following colours:
blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow and white.
The colour feedback can be deactivated.