9.2 Operating and diagnostic messages via IO-Link
IODD and IODD descriptive text as a pdf file at: → www.ifm.com
9.3 Output response in different operating states
OUT1 *)
process value invalid
process value according to
conductivity / temperature
according to conductivity /
temperature and
[ou2] setting
process value invalid
< 3.6 mA at [FOU2] = [OFF]
>21 mA at [FOU2] = [On]
no change if [FOU2] = [OU]
*) process value via IO-Link
10 Technical data and scale drawing
Technical data sheet and scale drawing at: → www.ifm.com
11 Maintenance / Transport
Prevent any formation of deposits and soiling on the sensor element�
If cleaning it manually, do not use any hard or sharp objects that could damage
the sensor�
When the medium is changed, it may also be necessary to adapt the unit
settings for a higher accuracy (parameter [T.Cmp]) (→ 8.4)
It is not possible to repair the unit�
After use dispose of the device in an environmentally friendly way in
accordance with the applicable national regulations�
In case of returns ensure that the unit is free from soiling, especially of
dangerous and toxic substances�
For transport only use appropriate packaging to avoid damage of the unit�