Start simulation
(button to activate the system command)
Stop simulation
(button to activate the system command)
Simulation; selection of the temperature value to be simulated
Setting range: -25...150 (°C)
Simulation; selection of the conductivity value to be simulated
Setting range: 0...15000 µS/cm
Current temperature of the unit
Measuring range: -40...80 (°C)
For further information, please refer to the IODD description
→ www.ifm.com) or to the context-specific parameter descriptions of the used
parameter setting software�
8.4.3 Example parameter setting
Adapt cell constant to installation in a pipe with nominal pipe diameter DN50
(parameter [CGA]). Example: [CGA] = [97] %.
► Set the temperature compensation (parameter [T.Cmp]) to a medium with the
temperature coefficient 3.0 %/K. Example: [T.Cmp] = [3.0].
Make all other settings�
Transfer the sensor data to the unit�
8.5 Temperature influence and temperature coefficient
8.5.1 Influence of the medium on the temperature
The conductivity depends on the temperature� When the temperature increases,
the conductivity changes� This temperature influence depends on the respective
medium and can be compensated by the unit if the temperature coefficient
(tempco) of the medium is known. The temperature compensation is set via
the parameter [T�Cmp]� Then the temperature-compensated conductivity value
corresponds to the conductivity at standard temperature (25 ° C; factory setting of
the parameter [rEF.T]).
For medium that is not changed the same tempco value has to be set for
all sensors (unit-independent characteristic value). There is no further
dependence on the measuring principle, the lot or the manufacturer of the