3. Keypad Tampering
To prevent tampering, a tamper switch can be installed in the sin-
gle gang box used for mounting the keypad. The tamper switch
must activate if the keypad is removed from the box and must dis-
connect power from the lock. The lock must be a fail-secure de-
vice, meaning the lock remains locked when power is removed. In
addition, once the tamper device is activated, it must be configured
so that it can only be reset from within the protected area. Only a
Sentrol 3012 or Sentrol 3025T tamper switch can be used. The dia-
grams on the next page show the suggested mounting location for
each device.
3.1 IEI Tamper Power Supplies
IEI access system power supplies are designed specifically for ac-
cess control applications. Two models are available: board level
and in a cabinet. Both feature a tamper circuit with a reset button
mounted on the circuit board. Using the tamper switch as detailed
and connected to the power supply tamper circuit, unauthorized
opening of the case or prying the unit off the wall triggers this tam-
per loop, thus preventing the lock from being released until the re-
set button is pressed.
How to Order
Access power supply with tamper circuit - in cabinet:
Access power supply with tamper circuit - board level:
IEI 212eM/242eM Standalone Installation/Programming Manual
Document # 6174000, Rev. 1.1