Mechanical Air & Vapor Eliminators
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3. If necessary, include special handling instructions, such as MSDS forms or certifications.
4. Attach the completed Return Material Authorization request form, the MSDS form, and
the packing slip to the outside of the box.
RMA Forms
Return Material Authorization request forms are included in the red literature packet of every
Liquid Controls product shipment. They are also available at
menu selection.
Do not return a Liquid Controls component until all traces of hazardous
substances have been removed. This includes, for example, substances that
have diffused through plastic or remain in crevices.
Costs incurred for waste disposal and in juries due to poor cleaning of
returned Liquid Controls components will be charged to the originator of
the return.
Returned Material Authorization Handling Procedure for
Hazardous Materials
All returned parts must be cleaned by customers prior to return shipment. The person who
actually cleaned the parts is required to complete the Return Material Authorization form. If the
component has been contaminated, customers must include an M.S.D.S. sheet with the return
shipment. If a part is returned without the proper paperwork, the service department will
contact the sender and attempt to procure the correct documents. If the proper paperwork is
not received within ten days of receipt, the parts will be sent back to the customer for
correction. Many Liquid Controls employees handle returned components, and they are
exposed to substances left behind on the components. It is our intention to make handling
these parts as safe as possible. We regret any hardship these stipulations may cause, but
because of the many different applications we service, it is a necessary precaution taken to
protect our employees.