DMI-F-04_Annexe 3_Notice 1.0 RAJOUTER CODE ERREUR
Battery charging procedure
When you hear a beep, turn Off the emergency stop button and connect the control box. When the battery is fully charged,
the battery charge status shows 4 dashes (100%) and the LED on the control panel does not flash.
1. Lifting the patient
First, set the ride base in the maximum enlarged position. To do this, press the pedal Of the head adjusting the width of
the transport lifting device.
For easy and comfortable lifting Of the patient should be prepared a transporter lifting device, a sling with a leg separa-
tor, a sling with head stabilization and a wheelchair.
The patient should lie in the middle of the bed, then turn he/she to the side, in the opposite direction to the caregiver.
The sling should be placed under the patient.Examples Of slings are shown in the figures 12 & 13.
Turn the patient towards the caregiver and place he/she in the middle Of the sling so that the back loops are in the
upper back of the patient and the thigh loops be placed within the patient's thighs.
Hanging loops should be hung on a four-point cradle.
Make sure hanging loops are tight and make sure the patient is in a comfortable position.
Lock the rear wheel brakes and lift the patient by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control.
Should lift the patient until his feet are not touching the bed or the floor.
Then unlock the rear wheel brake and carry the patient over the wheelchair.
The brakes should be locked both in the transport lifting device and in the wheelchair.
The next step is to press the "down" button on the remote control to gradually lower the patient.
When descending, help the patient to take a correct and a comfortable sitting position.
After setting down the patient in a wheelchair, remove the sling loops from the fourpoint cradle.
If using a sling with a leg separator, make sure that the patient is properly dressed before moving the lift towards the
movable toilet chair.
Make sure that the hanging loops are tight and that the patient is in a comfortable position.The patient can be placed
on the sling in a sitting position, e.g. when transported from a wheelchair or bed as follows.
Place the sling around the back of the patient.
Donning is easier if the patient bends slightly forward.
Guide the sling carefully at the patient up on the height of the tailbone.
Move the thigh belts forward at patient's thighs until they are on both sides at the same height.
Be careful not to bend the material.
Wear the seat belts under the patient's slightly parted legs.
Donning is easier if the patient slightly raises thighs.
In order for the patient to sit comfortably on a wheelchair, it should be planted as deep as possible.
During the process, lowering the patient, lightly press the patient's knee so that his/her back is closest to the backrest
of the wheelchair.
Loops have different colors to make it easier to put on slings at the same height.
Fig. 12. Sling with a leg separator Fig. 13. Sling with head stabilization
Back loop
Thigh loop
Back loop
Thigh loop