3.5 Linux
This section describes VXC Card Linux driver’s features and how to compile
and install into a general Linux system. The VXC Card Linux driver is modified
from Linux kernel source and supports most of popular PC-based Linux
3.5.1 Driver Features
Device file.
Dynamic device allocation.
Dynamic major number.
One major number for multiple devices.
Use the GNU configure and build system.
3.5.2 Installation
Please refer to the following steps to complete it.
1. Download or copy the
package to a directory that you have access to.
2. Extract the package.
For example, the package's file name is "
" and its
path related to your current working directory is../pkg, then the extraction
command would be
gunzip -c ../pkg/ixcom-0.05.0.tar.gz | tar xvf –
An ixcom-0.05.0 directory is created after extraction.
3. For convenient access, it is a good idea to put a symbol-link on it.
ln -s ixcom-0.05.0 ixcom
4. Change to the
working directory you just made, type
./configure to create proper Makefiles.
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