Another setup parameter that needs to be verified is the frequency and the bandwidth of the simulation signal. These are
selected with the
drop down arrows and there associated fields. The
section lets you
select frequencies from 100 to 10,000 Hz while the
h section allows you to run the simulation over 1/3 octave, 1
octave or 3 octaves bands, or to specify the frequency range of the simulation. To set up a specific frequency range use
field to establish the lower frequency limit and the
field to set the upper limit.
Now, let’s investigate the multiple beam capabilities of Iconyx. In many installations, a single beam is the ideal solution for
the room’s acoustical challenges and the beam’s movable acoustic center provides all the mounting location flexibility
In some cases, however, multiple beams are needed to provide the desired coverage. Rooms with a balcony are a good
example; in most cases a single beam can’t cover both the main floor and the balcony. One solution is two line arrays, one
for the floor and the other for the balcony, but this is expensive. In other cases, architectural considerations or microphone
placement dictate that the column be mounted higher than is ideal and it’s impossible to cover the audience area with a
single beam.
Iconyx solves these problems by offering multiple beams, each having its own acoustical center. To explore this unique
Iconyx feature, click on the drop down arrow associated with
This will produce the following screen.
Notice that on the IC16A you can select up to a maximum of 8 lobes. It’s up to four on the IC8A, 12 on the IC24A and 16
on the IC32A. For now, select 2 to add a second beam to the graphic.
At first glance it may appear that nothing happened since the program placed the second beam almost on top of the first
beam. The only way to really tell is that the left side of the window now includes a Lobe
Parameter Center 2
Owners Manual