• Power save
The power save function reduces the current drain to con-
serve battery power. This item sets the power save duty
cycle—the ratio of receive circuit on to receive circuit off while
standing by. The duty cycle can be set to automatic (default),
1:1, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16 or OFF.
“AUTO” selects “1:4” duty ratio when receiving no signal for 5
sec., then “1:8” 60 sec. after that.
When “AUTO” is selected, the power save automatically
turns OFF while operating with an external DC power.
(10–11.5 V DC)
For packet operation, the power save should be turned
OFF to receive reliable packet data.
• Monitor switch action
The monitor switch can be set as a ‘sticky’ switch. When set
to the sticky condition, each push of [SQL] toggles the moni-
tor function on and off.
• PUSH Set the monitor switch to
normal. (default)
• HOLD Set the monitor switch to
sticky switch.
• Dial speed acceleration
The dial speed acceleration automatically speeds up the tun-
ing dial speed when rotating the [DIAL] rapidly.
• ON
The dial speed acceleration
is turned ON. (default)
• OFF The dial speed acceleration
is turned OFF.