Reference: A938
Index: B
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Instruction Manual – NPS914 Alarm and Indication IED
6. Configurations
Opens the main configurations pop-up window.
7. Edit datasets
Opens the dataset editing window.
8. Send to relay
Sends the .CID/.ICD configurations to the relay (requires a connection to the relay).
9. Import GOOSE settings
Imports predefined GOOSE settings from another .CID/.ICD file.
10. Get default .CID/.ICD file from the relay
Retrieves the default .CID/.ICD file from the relay (requires a connection to the relay).
The main configurations dialog window is opened by pressing the sixth button ("Configurations") in the main
toolbar. The most important parameters here are the "IED name" and the "IP" settings.
Additionally, if the intention is to use the GOOSE publisher service, the parameters for GCB1 and GCB2
should also be set. See the following image of the main configuration window for the basic settings and the
settings for GOOSE publishing.
Figure. 7.1.4. - 2. Configurations window.
Data sets
The data set editing window is opened by pressing the seventh button on the main toolbar. Data sets can be
added and removed by using the "+" and "-" buttons, respectively. When a data set has been added, it must
be assigned to a Report Control Block with the "RCB" button. This opens a new pop-up window. The
assigning can be either to unbuffered reporting (URCBs) or to buffered reporting (BRCBs).