Reference: A938
Index: B
Page 36
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Instruction Manual – NPS914 Alarm and Indication IED
You can set a new password for a user level by selecting the key icon next to the user level's name. After this
you can lock the user level by pressing the Return key while the lock is selected. If you need to change the
password, you can select the key icon again and give a new password. Please note that in order to do this the
user level whose password is being changed must be unlocked.
As mentioned above, the access level of the different user levels is indicated by the number of stars. The
required access level to change a parameter is indicated with a star (*) symbol if such is required. As a general
rule the access levels are divided as follows:
Can view any menus and settings but cannot change any settings, nor operate breakers or
other equipment.
Can view any menus and settings but cannot change any settings BUT can operate
breakers and other equipment.
Can change most settings such as basic protection pick-up levels or time delays,
breaker control functions, signal descriptions etc. and can operate breakers and other equipment.
Super user:
Can change any setting and can operate breakers and other equipment.
Any user level with a password automatically locks itself after half an hour (30 minutes) of inactivity.