2.13 Check the gear shifting
While pedaling, shift the chain up and down the chainrings several times to take out initial slack in the cables.
Any slack can be removed by adjusting the barrel adjuster on the shifters.
Adjust the Front mech high limit screw
Set the chain to the smallest rear cog and
the largest front chainring. Adjust the high
limit screw so that clearance between the
front derailleur cage outer plate and the
chain is 0 – 0.5 mm.
Adjust the Front mech low limit screw
Place the chain on the largest rear cog and
the smallest front chainring. Adjust the low
limit screw so that the chain is positioned
close to the inner cage plate without actually
touching it. If the front mech will not move
to this position, it may be the cable that is
holding it. Loosen the cable clamp, adjust
the front mech, and then re-clamp the cable