Manual de Operação - SONOPEEL
edição (10/2009)
uses the principle of repulsion of equal charges, called “electro-repulsion of charges” ,
to transport the substance of the skin surface to deeper layers. The active incorporated
to the solution or gel (melange) should be polarized, i.e., should have a definite
charge, and be deposited under the active electrode, and both – the active electrode and
the melange – should have the same polarity.
Studies have been showing that both modalities of energy, low frequency
ultrasound (sonophoresis) and polarized current (iontophoresis) can have synergic
effects when applied simultaneously, maximizing the permeation of the actives in the
skin associated, of course, to the development of adequate formulations, to the
increase of the efficiency of the current, consequently, to the amplification of the
quantity of active released both in the skin and through it.
Accessories used
Ultrasonic spatula
Cables with banana pin end for alligator clip connection
Alligator clip adapter to fix the aluninum plate electrodes with vegetal cloth
Aluminum plate
Vegetal cloth