4. This step indicates the End of Resource Utilization Time (EOR). The application program
completes using system resources. This normally coincides with the End of Transaction
(EOT). The program has performed an operation that causes workstation I/O to send data to
the display station at this point. User program operations that can cause the data to be sent
to the display station include:
Read or invite input operation following one or more output operations with the defer
write (DFRWRT) parameter set to *YES in the display file description
Output operation with DFRWRT(*NO) in the display file description
Output operation with the DDS INVITE keyword
Combined output/input operation, for example an Execute Format (EXFMT) operation
in an RPG/400® program and a Send and Receive file (SNDRCVF) command in a
control language (CL) program.
End of program
5. This step indicates the EOT.
This is the end of the System Measured Response Time. The next transaction can begin.
Resource usage by the transaction is measured at this point.
6. A system response is displayed back to the user.
The available Response Time graphs include:
Average Response Time per Measured Day
Average Response Time per Hour
The following sections describe each response time graph.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document