On the trend months:
The pink diamond shows the calculated peak CPU utilization and projected growth based
on the three last months utilization.
The blue square shows the calculated peak CPU utilization and projected growth based
on the last six months utilization.
The yellow star shows the calculated peak CPU utilization and projected growth based on
the last 12 months of utilization.
The advantage of plotting rPerfs, when available, is that rPerfs are a normalized unit of work
independent of the resources allocated to the server/LPAR. This means that the black diamonds
on the graph represent the workload trend independent of the resources allocated to the
Under the Facts, the number of months until the guideline is reached is a projection, based on
current utilization and growth data, of the number of month’s growth remaining until the respective
resource reaches guideline. If greater than or equal to 12 months, it is shown as 12 months.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document