Peak Processor Utilization, Total – with Trend Projections
Monthly Processor Utilization with Trending Graph.
The Peak Processor Utilization graph shows the average total peak CPU utilization per month for
the last 13 months, and it also provides you with a growth trend. It also shows you how the
workload changes during a year.
The symbols used on this graph are explained as follows:
The height of the columns represents the CPU resource available in rPerfs during the month.
The forward slash (green) in the bottom of the graph shows the CPU utilization that is
The crosshatch (yellow) in the middle of the graph shows the CPU utilization that is marginal.
The backward slash (red) at the top of the graph shows the CPU utilization that is critical.
The black diamond shows the average of the two busiest hours per shift during the month, in
rPerf values when available.
The trend months project the processor utilization for the next three months. On the trend
months, which are the three months represented on the right side of the graph, the backward
slash (green) in the bottom shows the peak CPU utilization that is acceptable.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document