Installation logged to
bytes of disk space required
NIOS removal is complete
NIOS removal failed
ODI Messages
The following messages can occur during ODI driver installation. In
these messages:
x = C
refers to Client
x = S
refers to Server
yy = DOS
refers to the DOS Client
yy = OS/2
refers to the OS/2 Client
yy = NW
refers to the NetWare Server
For example, IBMEINWC-DOS-100 refers to the DOS client.
IBMEINWx-yy-100 The IBM EtherJet ISA Adapter cannot be found
The device driver was unable to locate the adapter in the
system. There might be a resource conflict if the adapter
was configured with Plug and Play disabled. Check the
adapter configuration.
IBMEINWx-yy-101 The IBM EtherJet ISA Adapter was unable to
Hardware error. Perform diagnostics.
IBMEINWx-yy-102 The IBM EtherJet ISA Adapter could not be reset.
Hardware error. Perform diagnostics.
IBMEINWx-yy-103 The IBM EtherJet ISA Adapter serial number is
missing or incorrect.
If multiple adapters are present in the computer, the serial
number must be specified in the NET.CFG file or on the
LOAD command line. Use LANAID to get the serial
numbers of each adapter.
Appendix B. Installation Return Codes
Title: ANW0CNTL CreationDate: 09/29/95 12:51:21
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