NetWare 3.11 Server LAN Driver Installation
Before you begin this procedure, make sure that you have the serial
number of the cards (up to three cards can be installed) you will be
installing. You can find the serial number with LANAID or with
LANAIDC. See “Finding the Adapter Serial Number” on page 5-7.
The following information assumes that NetWare 3.11 is already
installed as a server on your system. If NetWare is not installed,
install it now. During the NetWare server installation process, you
will be prompted to install the EtherJet ISA Adapter or EtherJet
10BASE-T ISA Adapter driver and some of the steps below might be
completed in the process.
After NetWare server installation is complete, perform the following
steps, if you have not already done so, to complete configuration of
your system.
1. The target directory should be the directory used by NetWare for
the SERVER.EXE file. For example, C:\NETWARE or
2. Copy the following files from the \NETWARE subdirectory on the
Device Drivers diskette to your target directory:
Note: If you experience any problems after loading the .NLM
files from the Device Drivers diskette, contact Novell to ensure
that you have the most current version of these files for Novell
3. From the directory containing the SERVER.EXE file, type server
and then press Enter to start the server.
Adapter diskette:
Device Drivers diskette
Directory: NETWARE
Chapter 6. Installing the Device Drivers for Your Network Environment
Title: ANW0CNTL CreationDate: 09/29/95 12:51:21
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