Chapter 1. Introduction
The IBM EtherJet ISA Adapter and IBM EtherJet 10BASE-T ISA
Adapter are ISA Ethernet adapters that allow you to attach IBM
Personal Computer systems, or IBM-compatible ISA computers to an
Ethernet network.
Adapter operating speed is 10 Mbps.
– EtherJet 10BASE-T ISA Adapters use 10BASE-T cabling
– EtherJet ISA Adapters can use 10BASE-T, 10BASE2, or AUI
Full-duplex technology
Enabled for Plug and Play
Included with this adapter are:
LAN Adapter Installation and Diagnostic (LANAID), which
simplifies installation and setup of the adapter. See Chapter 5,
“Configuring the Adapter with LANAID”
IBM LAN Client Multiple Protocol Support for DOS and Windows
which significantly reduces DOS memory consumption in many
environments. See Chapter 7, “IBM LAN Client MPS”
A \READ.ME directory on the Device Drivers diskette that
provides you with the latest information about your adapter. Be
sure to read the information provided there.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1995
Title: ANW0CNTL CreationDate: 09/29/95 12:51:21
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