3.5.4. Automatic water fi lling device
a) Solenoid valve.
The machine has a level sensor (a stainless steel strip that is in contact with the water inside the boiler). The
sensor is connected to a control processing unit (CPU) which permanently indicates the water level. When the level
is low, the CPU activates the pump and the solenoid valve, allowing water to be fed in until the sensor indicates
that it has reached the optimum level.
3.5.5. Visual level (Optional)
a) Level (visualization of max. and min. levels for the boiler water).
The water level can be checked at any time via the water level viewer (22).
3.5.6. Flow control valves
a) Expansion valve (crucible for opening to 1.2 MPa /+0.1.)
a) Lock nut.
b) Adjustment screw.
The pump/motor starts up when any button on the button pad is pressed, increasing the pressure up to the 0.8/0.9
MPa necessary to prepare the coff ee. The pump/motor are also controlled by the automatic level control device,
which keeps the boiler fi lled with water.
In order to regulate the pump pressure, proceed in the following manner: loosen the lock nut, which holds the
adjustment screw. Loosen the screw to reduce the pressure, or tighten it to increase it. When the operation is
complete, make sure the lock nut is tightened once more.