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About Forms...
Readiris is a very good tool for converting scanned or pre-scanned images, including Adobe Acrobat PDF files into real
text documents. However, it cannot perform miracles. There are some kinds of documents it will have trouble working
with. While Readiris Pro 12 is vastly improved over previous versions it will have trouble with forms.
A form typically has lines, boxes, check boxes and the like and is intended to be filled out on screen. Readiris is
intended to convert pictures of letters and numbers to actual text and numbers. Lines and boxes are usually graphical
elements or table borders that require more advanced features of the word processor.
Below is an IRS 1040 form that Readiris has no hope of replicating. In fact if you tried to create this from scratch in
Microsoft Word it would be a long complex task if it is possible at all. That is the rule of thumb for these kinds of
documents. If they cannot be created in the word processor without extraordinary effort then Readiris will have the
same difficulty.
The form on the right would be processed and outputted into the word processor in reasonable shape. There would
be additional work entailed to get it into its final format. From that point it could be saved as a template for reuse.
If this is your primary purpose then a dedicated forms software may be more appropriate.