Hands-off warning
If the driver takes their hands off the
steering wheel for several seconds,
the ‘Keep hands on the steering wheel’
warning message will appear and an
audible warning will sound in stages.
First stage : Warning message
Second stage : Warning message (red
steering wheel) and
audible warning
If the driver still does not have their
hands on the steering wheel after the
hands-off warning, the ‘Lane Following
Assist deactivated’ warning message will
appear and Lane Following Assist will be
automatically canceled.
The steering wheel may not be
assisted if the steering wheel is held
very tight or the steering wheel is
steered over a certain degree.
Lane Following Assist does not
operate at all times. It is the
responsibility of the driver to safely
steer the vehicle and to maintain the
vehicle in its lane.
The hands–off warning message
may appear late depending on road
conditions. Always have your hands
on the steering wheel while driving.
If the steering wheel is held very
lightly the hands–off warning
message may appear because Lane
Following Assist may not recognize
that the driver has their hands on the
steering wheel.
If you attach objects to the steering
wheel, the hands-off warning may
not work properly.