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The technology used in these scales, Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is more
technologically advanced than the order Body Mass Index (BMI) method where fat % is
calculated using only height and weight .BIA technology uses 5 parameters to get a more
accurate resolution for the analysis (weight and biological resistance which are automatically
measured by the scales together with the three personal parameters entered manually -
sex, height and age). This index sets mutual ratio between the body weight and height.
It can be used to determine whether the person suffers from underweight, overweight
or obesity or whether his/her health condition is normal. Also with regards to heart and
vascular diseases, body mass index is a relatively good risk index, particularly in healthy
people. However, theindex is for reference only. Experts recommend supplementing the
calculation by at least measuring the waist, which makes determining disposition of the
body fat more precise. BMI will not provide very reliable information for small children,
elderly people and active sportsmen who have a lot of muscle mass as their results can be
Minimum energy consumption CAL
It represents optimum amount of energy consumption necessary for maintaining the basic
vital functions and balanced metabolism. The data on the display show the optimum daily
consumption of energy that you give out at your weight, height, age and gender. You
should also take in this amount of energy to keep your metabolism balanced. If you intend
to reduce your weight, your daily energy intake should be a bit lower. However, remember
to keep carbohydrates, fats and proteins balanced in your diet.
239 cal = 1 kJ
During body fat testing, please remove shoes and socks, etc., and clear your feet, in order
to get the most accurate result. To ensure accuracy, please test at the same time of the day.
Test result may be inaccurate when the users are:
afte r intense sport activity, overfeeding, or excessive dehydration,
children under 10, or adults over 80,
body building atheletes, or other occupational atheletes,
pregnant women; Dialysis or edema patient,
excessive drinking, eating, exercising, health conditions, used medicaments, women‘s
menstruation cycle etc. influence the results of the analysis,
figyeljen arra, hogy mérés közben ne legyen kontaktus a talpak, vádlik, vagy combok
között. Ellenkező esetben lehetséges, hogy a mérés nem lesz pontos.
In order to ensure acurate results users should enter the required personal parameters;
age, sex and height. These scale have the facility to store the personal parameters of 10
to turn ON.
Press or to switch between Body Parameter P0 - P9. Press
to confirm.
Press or to select male or female. Press
to confirm.
Press or to indicate age. Press
to confirm.
Press or to indicate height. Press
to confirm.