Connect (-) lead last
When remounting, connect the ground
connection last
Do not allow tools to touch the (+) terminal and
Do not allow tools to touch the (+) terminal and
the body of the truck at the same time. This can
the body of the truck at the same time. This can
cause sparking and explosion.
cause sparking and explosion.
When reinstalling the cables after replaced the
When reinstalling the cables after replaced the
battery, pay close attention to maintaining the
battery, pay close attention to maintaining the
same alignment state of the cables as it was
same alignment state of the cables as it was
when supplied. Otherwise, the machine can be
when supplied. Otherwise, the machine can be
exposed to the fire hazards.
exposed to the fire hazards.
Prior to reinstall the cable, inspect in detail and
Prior to reinstall the cable, inspect in detail and
confirm the condition of the cables and replace
confirm the condition of the cables and replace
it when the cables possess any kind of
it when the cables possess any kind of
abnormal damages such as cracking and wear
abnormal damages such as cracking and wear
out of the cable sheath that make you feel
out of the cable sheath that make you feel
somedangerous to use it. Do consult an expert
somedangerous to use it. Do consult an expert
about this matter when you are not able to
about this matter when you are not able to
judge its condition. It is strongly recommended
judge its condition. It is strongly recommended
to keep the surroundings of the battery cables
to keep the surroundings of the battery cables
clean so that the machine can be freed from the
clean so that the machine can be freed from the
risk of firing by eliminating the flammable
risk of firing by eliminating the flammable
contaminations such as oil, dust and etc. acting
contaminations such as oil, dust and etc. acting
as a fire developer. Dispose of the old battery in
as a fire developer. Dispose of the old battery in
locally approved manner.
locally approved manner.