The following instructions have been prepared from current industry and government safety
standards applicable to industrial truck operation and maintenance. These recommended
procedures specify conditions, methods, and accepted practices that aid in the safe maintenance of
industrial trucks. They are listed here for the reference and safety of all workers during maintenance
operations. Carefully read and understand these instructions and the specific maintenance
procedures before attempting to do any repair work. When in doubt of any maintenance procedure,
please contact your local HYUNDAI dealer.
Powered industrial trucks can become hazardous if maintenance is neglected. Therefore, suitable
maintenance facilities and trained personnel and procedures shall be provided.
Maintenance and inspection of all powered industrial trucks shall be performed in conformance
with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Follow a scheduled planned maintenance, lubrication, and inspection system.
Only trained and authorized personnel are permitted to maintain, repair, adjust, and inspect
industrial trucks and must do so in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
Always wear safety glasses. Wear a safety (hard) hat in industrial plants and in special work areas
where protection is necessary and required.
Properly ventilate work area, vent exhaust fumes, and keep shop clean and floors dry.
Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection equipment present in the work area. Do not use an
open flame to check for level or leakage fuel, electrolyte, or coolant. Do not use open pans of fuel
or flammable cleaning fluids for cleaning parts.
Before starting work on truck.
Raise drive wheels free of floor and use oak blocks or other positive truck positioning devices.
Remove all jewelry(watches, rings, bracelets, etc.).
Put oak blocks under the load engaging means, inner masts, or chassis before working on them.
Disconnect the battery ground cable (-) before working on the electrical system.
Refer to the jacking and blocking section in the service manual for proper procedures.
Refer to the jacking and blocking section in the service manual for proper procedures.
Operation of the truck to check performance must be conducted in an authorized, safe, clear area.
Before starting to operate the truck.
Be seated in a safe operating position and fasten your seat belt.
Put the parking brake switch in the LOCK position.
Put the gear selector lever in NEUTRAL.
Start the engine.
Check functioning of lift and tilt systems, direction and speed controls, steering, brakes, warning
devices, and load handling attachments.