Hyquest Solutions Pty Ltd
Top Set Rod – Model: MagnaRod
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Issue 1.03 5 Mar, 2013
10. The Dwell Test measures the rotational angle
that the contact is closed on the Meter head.
Spin the meter by hand at about 1 to 2 revs per
second and press “Start”. The bottom of the
display will show “Rdy” while it is waiting for a
contact closure, and the Start button function will
change to “Stop”. When the 3 angles are
measured, the display will indicate “Done” and the angles will appear across the screen.
This function measures the dwell angle (ratio of meter contact time to the total time for a
single rotation) for a meter contact and is useful for making adjustments to a cat whisker type
meter in the field. For a cat whisker contact head, the optimum adjustment is 60º or a single
meter cup width (US Geological Survey Price AA or Pygmy meter). A variation to an
adjustment of +/- 10% is acceptable. The measure of dwell angle for the magnetic head
contact does not apply but can be performed.
11. The “Spin Test” is an elapsed time
measurement from the time a meter is spun to
when rotation of the meter stops.
Press “Start” and the display will indicate Rdy,
then the first contact closure will start the time and
subsequent closures will increment the count. This
will continue until no closures are detected for 10
a second period – indicating the meter has stopped. Note that the time will then jump back 10
secs as the display shows the total count and the elapsed time up to the last count.
Press “Stop” if you wish to terminate the test earlier.
12. The “Manual Calibrate” menu allows the
analog ac Level and dc Threshold to be measured
and displayed. (Everytime the display changes
from the TSR menu to the CMC menu, a calibrate
is automatically performed – as indicated by the
Status LED flashing green and red.) This
calibrate process allows the circuitry to take into
account the water salinity when measuring the
contact closures from the meter. This menu is for
testing only.
dc Thresh = 87 (fresh water or air)
dc Thresh = 26 (extremely salty water)