Hyquest Solutions Pty Ltd
Top Set Rod – Model: MagnaRod
© Copyright
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Issue 1.03 5 Mar, 2013
5. To Edit a selected Meter, step to item 2 and
press “Select”
The Meter Serial No (or name), the number of
equations (1, 2 or 3), and the equations themselves
will be displayed. The first character of the Serial
No will be flashing. Press “Up/Dn” (left hand
button) to change the character, and press “Select”
(right hand button) to select this character and
move to the next character. Repeat these steps so
the equations on the screen match the equations on
your Current Meter calibrations sheets.
6. Select “Save and Return” to go back to the previous menu.
7. When More Se Test is selected, 5 more
selections become available.
8. The Buzzer can be set to Disable, En
Full, and
Mom. (When set to En
Full, the buzzer
beeps while the contacts are detected as closed)
When set to En
Mom, the buzzer beeps only
momentarily as the contacts close)
9. If the Bluetooth module is not detected, it will
display “Not Fitted”, otherwise it can be set to Disable, En
CMC or En
Full. At this time
both these options provide the same set of Bluetooth commands – a new set of commands
will be available for En
Full in the future.