6 . G M S 8 1 5 1 6 A T ( O T P ) P R O G R A M M I N G
The GMS81516AT is one-time PROM (OTP) micro-
controller with 16K bytes electrically programmable
read only memory for the GMS81508/16 system
evaluation, first production and fast mass production.
To programming the OTP device, user can have two
way. One is using the universal programmer which is
support HME microcontrollers, other is using the gen-
eral EPROM programmer.
1 . U s i n g t h e U n i v e r s a l p r o g r a m m e r
Third party universal programmer support to program
the GMS81516AT microcontrollers and lists are
shown as below.
A d v a n t e c h
Web site: http://www.aec.com.tw
Programmer: LabTool-48
H i - L o s y s t e m s
Web site: http://www.hilosystems.com.tw
Programmer: ALL-11, GANG-08
Socket adapters are supported by third party program-
mer manufacturer.
2 . U s i n g t h e g e n e r a l E P R O M ( 2 7 C 2 5 6 )
p r o g r a m m e r
The programming algorithm is simmilar with the stan-
dart EPROM 27C256. It gives some convience that user
can use standard EPROM programmer.
Make sure
that 1ms programming pulse must be used, it gener-
ally called "Intelligent Mode".
Do not use 100us
programming pulse mode, "Quick Pulse Mode".
When user use general EPROM programmer, socket
adaper is essencially required. It convert pin to fit the
pin of general 27C256 EPROM.
Three type socket adapters are provided according to
package variation as below table.
S o c k e t A d a p t e r P a c k a g e T y p e
OA815A-64SD 64 pin SDIP
OA815A-64QF-10 64 pin LQFP (10 x 10)
OA815A-64QF 64 pin QFP (14 x 20)
With these socket adapters, the GMS81516AT can
easy be programming and verifying using Intel
27C256 EPROM mode on general-purpose PROM
In assembler and file type, two files are generated after
compiling. One is "*.HEX", another is "*.OTP". The
"*.HEX" file is used for emulation in circuit emulator
) and "*.OTP" file
is used for programming to the OTP device.
Programming Procedure
1. Select the EPROM device and manufacturer on
EPROM programmer (Intel 27C256).
2. Select the programming algorithm as an Intelligent
mode (apply 1ms writing pulse), not a Quick pulse
3. Load the file (*.OTP) to the programmer.
4. Set the programming address range as below table.
A d d r e s s S e t V a l u e
Buffer start address 4000
Buffer end address 7FFF
Device start address 4000
5. Mount the socket adapter with the GMS81516AT on
the PROM programmer.
6. Start the PROM programmer to programming/
GMS81508/16 HYUNDAI MicroElectronics