Hylio Agrodrone (AG-122) Maintenance Manual
©2020 Hylio Inc. All Rights Reserved
Ground Testing
When to Ground Test
Follow ground testing checklist after any of the following events:
Unknown issue stops user from flying
At every 5-hour and every 10-hour routine maintenance check
Ground Test Steps and Checks
1) Place drone outside in a location 15 feet from any obstacle, where it can spray and spin
its motors without issue
2) Put exactly 1 gallon of fluid in each tank. Check for any leaks
3) Take a pair of batteries, measure the voltage, and connect to drone
4) Open AgroSol and connect to the drone over RFD. Verify RFD connection works
5) Spray out gallon at 0.5 gallon per minute, time how long it takes for tank to empty. It
should take 4 minutes. If time is off by over 5%, recalibrate flowmeter
6) While spraying, check for any leaks in the spray system
7) Check battery voltage on AgroSol, if off by over 0.2V recalibrate voltage
8) Check for correct radar altimeter reading. Pick up drone and move it around to confirm
the altimeter reading changes as expected
9) Turn on TX. Flip flight mode switch. Check that flight mode changes in AgroSol as
10) Upload a mission. Check mission uploads on first try without issue
11) Check that GPS gets a lock
12) Arm motors. DO NOT TAKE OFF. Check that all motors spool up and rotate in the
correct CW/CCW direction. Check for errors on arming
13) Disconnect batteries
14) Connect drone to laptop using direct USB connection. Check that connection works and
logs can be downloaded