Gas-Fired Direct Vent Cast Iron Boilers – Field Assembly Instructions
Step 20
Remove excess silicone sealant along top of block and in chamber area
1. Remove excess silicone sealant along
the top the block until it is fl ush with
the machined surface.
2. Remove any excess silicone that may
have extruded into the interior of the
section assembly.
3. This area must not have any blockage
where the combustion chamber will be
Step 21
Prepare condensate pan
Rubber gloves are
recommended for this
Th e condensate drain
pan is shown here with
the inspection plate and
gasket installed. Th is can
be done before or aft er the
condensate drain pan is
bolted to the boiler.
1. Use the silicone RTV supplied with
the boiler to apply a bead on the
condensate pan fl ange around the
complete perimeter.
2. At each of the four corners, apply a
bead on the fl ange where the sheet
metal edges meet.
Step 22
Install condensate drain pan
The condensate drain pan must be sealed completely around all edges to prevent fl ue gas leakage.
1. This procedure requires two people to
do correctly.
2. Guide the condensate drain pan
through the front of the base as shown.
3. When in position, lift the pan straight up
and hold fi rmly against the bottom of
the section assembly.
4. Install each bolt with two fl at washers,
one split lock washer and nut (provided).
Insert the bolts from the top.
5. Tighten just until the split lock washer
has fl attened.
Step 23
Install inspection port plugs
1. Apply pipe dope (supplied with boiler)
to plugs (supplied) and install in each
of the inspection ports, located at the
lower right side of each section.
2. Also install plug in all top tappings.