7. Thoroughly clean hous ing
before re plac ing new stator.
Replace sta tor and make all
wire con nec tions to cord
cap assembly before re plac-
ing hous ing on pump. This is
im por tant as leads must be
tucked be hind the wind ings
by us ing hands up through
ro tor core.
compression type insulated
con nec tors on the wires. Do not
tape leads as oil will de te ri o rate
the tape and cause dam age to
stator and bear ings.
8. Check top bearing. If clean
and does not turn rough,
bearings can be re used and it
is not necessary to com plete-
ly dismantle pump to change
bearings. If bearings are
dam aged with dirt or heat,
they must be re placed. See
ad di tion al instructions on
re plac ing seals and bearings.
Re mem ber to reinstall the
upper bear ing load spring.
9. Replace motor hous ing onto
seal cham ber and bolt in place
with capscrews.
Be sure O-ring seal has been
re placed. If O-ring is nicked or
cut, re place the new rings. This
ap plies to all O-rings used in
as sem bly.
10.After all leads are reconnected,
make a high voltage ground
test on each wire. The only
wire that should show ground
is the green power lead.
11.Refill motor chamber with oil.
Use only high grade trans form-
er oil or reg u lar Hydromatic
spe cial sub mers ible oil. Fill
cham ber until oil cov ers top of
wind ings. Leave air space in top
for ex pan sion. Use Permatex
on plug threads.
replacing Seals and Bearings:
1. Drain all oil from motor
chamber as described.
2. Remove bolts that hold motor
hous ing to bearing housing.
Re move
hold ing
bearing housing to volute
3. Lift rotating assembly (rotor,
shaft and impeller) from pump
case and place hor i zon tal ly on
bench. With hard wood block,
tap end of im pel ler to loosen
from shaft.
4. Shaft sleeves are not used.
5. Remove lower seal spring and
pry out seal with screwdriver.
6. Remove screws holding seal
plate to bearing housing, then
remove snap ring that retains
the upper seal and pry out seal
with screwdriver.
7. Use bearing puller to remove
bear ings. Replace with new
bear ings. Press only on inner
face of bearing when replacing.
Pressing on outer face can
damage the bear ing. Bear ings
are standard size that can be
ob tained from any bearing
supply house or can be ob tained
from Hydromatic fac to ry.
: Do not use
any of the old seal parts.
Replace with all new seals.
9. Thoroughly clean all castings
be fore replacing seals. One
grain of dirt be tween the
seal faces can cause fail ure.
Examine all O-rings for nicks
before reusing.
10.Use Locktite on sock et head
lock ing screw in end of shaft.
11.Before refilling cham ber with
oil, air test as de scribed above.
12.Refill chamber with oil as
de scribed above.
13.Always check all leads with
high volt age or with Megger
for grounds before operating
the pump.
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