Wiring diagrams are pro vid ed
with pan el for making con nec-
tions. An ex tra set of di a grams
is included so that one set can
be used during installation when
mak ing con nec tions. The size of
any additional wiring from the
pump cord to the panel is based
on the distance and pump current.
Double check that all wiring is
properly connected and tight.
nOTE: On single phase pumps
the white, black and red pump
wires must be connected
properly to the panel. Only the
proper sequence will work.
installing 3900 Mercury Switch
The float cords are sup port ed by a
mount ing bracket that is at tached
to sump wall or cov er or to the
NEMA 4 junc tion box.
Cord snubbers are used to hold
the cord in place. Float level can
be changed at any time by loos en-
ing the snub ber and re ad just ing
cord length.
In either simplex or duplex
system the lower or turn-off float
is set just above the top of volute
so that the vo lute will always be
sub merged dur ing the pumping
cycle. The second or lead/on float
is set at about 24 inches above the
lower turn-off con trol.
More distance between turn-on
and turn-off controls can be used
but sew age may be come septic
and ex ces sive solids may collect
for the pump to han dle. A frequent
pump ing cycle is rec om mend ed
for best op er a tion.
If an alarm system is used, this
con trol is usually set about 6 inch es
above the over ride control.
Some engineers as de scribed
pre vi ous ly prefer to have the
alarm control set be low the
override control.
Making Electrical Connections:
All electrical wiring must be
in ac cor dance with local code,
and only com pe tent elec tri cians
should make the in stal la tions. A
set of prints is in clud ed for use
in mak ing the in stal la tion. All
wires should be checked for
grounds with an ohm me ter or
Megger af ter the con nec tions
are made. This is im por tant, as
one ground ed wire can cause
con sid er able trouble.
iMPOrTAnT: if equipment is
not properly wired and pro tect
ed as rec om mend ed, the motor
guar an tee is void.
Starting System:
1. Turn H-O-A switch to Off
position, then turn on main
circuit breakers.
2. Open all discharge valves
and al low water to rise in
sump pump.
3. Turn H-O-A switch to Hand
po si tion on one pump and
notice operation. If pump is
noisy and vi brates, rotation
is wrong. To change rotation
(3 phase), in ter change any
two line leads to motor. DO
system, check second pump in
the same manner.
4. Now set both H-O-A switches
to Auto position and allow
water to rise in sump until
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