Skipping Prompt
When you hear the prompt, “Please
say a command,” from the system,
press the voice recognition icon on
the steering wheel remote control
to skip the message and go directly
to listening mode to say your com-
This results in faster operation when
you feel the message is too long or
you already know the command to
Refer to Part 10 for instructions on
how to change the Voice Recognition
Combining Voice
Recognition with On-
Screen Commands
After pressing the
key, say
a command after the beep. The
voice recognition system will exe-
cute the desired operation after
u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e c o m m a n d .
Alternatively, you may touch any of
the corresponding commands on
t h e s c r e e n w h i l e t h e Vo i c e
Recognition system is in operation.
Combining voice recognition with
available on-screen commands is
useful when the system is taking lon-
ger than expected or the voice com-
mand did not execute as desired.
Voice Recognition
H_AE HEV 16_G4.0[USA_EU]AVN_QRG.indd 34
V 16_G4.0[USA_EU]AVN_QRG.indd 34
2016-11-10 오후 2:34:02