SiriusXM™ Data I 8-5
Weather Forecast
This service provides current weather
information and weather forecasts for the
next five days in your region. To change
the region, select the
Other City
button and
select the desired region.
Warnings and Advisories
This service provides weather warnings
and advisories, such as tornado, storm,
flood, etc. as symbols on the Navigation
SiriusXM™ Traffi c Information
At the “SiriusXM Data” screen, select
icon to enter the Traffic
Announcement mode.
H_AE HEV 16_G4.0[USA_EU]AVN_PART8.indd 8-5
H_AE HEV 16_G4.0[USA_EU]AVN_PART8.indd 8-5
2016-11-10 오후 2:21:21
2016-11-10 오후 2:21:2