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Huge Media Vault - Dual Max User’s Guide
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Windows NT / 2000 / XP
RAID Compatibility
Media Vault Mode Select
Non-Striped Partition
Striped Partition
(RAID 0)
RAID 0 (mode 0)
NT / Win2K / XP
RAID 3/2k (mode 1)
NT Okay Okay
Win2K / XP
Basic Disk only, no Dynamic
Not Compatible
RAID 3 (mode 2)
NT / Win2k / XP
NTFS – Enlarge Scatter Gather List value.
NTFS is used in Windows NT and Windows 2000 Operating Systems. Applying
this NT registry change to the Scatter-Gather List when using the Adaptec
controllers will enable maximum data throughput performance.
You may download the automated registry update from our web site, the file to
download is maxsg.zip, in it there is a file called maxsg.reg. Extract and execute
maxsg.reg will update the registry accordingly.
Or you may update the registry manually by following the steps below.
Run REGEDT32 to edit the system register.
Go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\
If U160 Adaptec then continue to \adpu160m
If Ultra2 Adaptec then continue to \aic78u2
If non-Ultra2 Adaptec then continue to \aic78xx
Create a “Parameters” key (without quotations). Edit > New > Key and enter Parameters.
Go to \Parameters
Create a “Device” key (without quotations). Edit > New > Key and enter Devices.
In a multiple host adapters system. Use Device0, Device1, etc… to specify the specific adapter.
Go to \Device
Create a “MaximumSGList” value name (no quotations). Edit > DWORD value and enter
MaximumSGList. Enter FF for Value data, make sure Hexadecimal is set.
Exit Regedit and reboot.
<end of User’s Guide>