2012 by Huchez Treuils S.A.S.
Translation of the original instructions manual
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4 – Reception of the equipment
Make a visual inspection of the packaging to ensure that it is in good condition.
In the event of a problem, issue the usual reserves.
Check that the winch corresponds to your order.
5 – Obligatory regulatory checks by the user
The users are required to comply with the standards in force in their country.
With regard to France:
Order of 1
March 2004 relating to the verification of lifting machines and accessories:
The modifications to the regulation relating to the use and verification of lifting machines and accessories, which came
into effect on 1st April 2005, impose new obligations on all users:
The suitability inspection that involves checking that the lifting machine is suitable for the work that the user
intends to carry out, as well as for the risks to which workers are exposed, and that the intended operations are
compatible with the conditions of use for the machine defined by the manufacturer.
The assembly and installation inspection that involves ensuring that the lifting machine is assembled and installed
safely in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction manual,
The general periodic visits that involve an inspection of the state of preservation and the operating tests.
The commissioning or recommissioning inspections in the event of a change in the place of use, the configuration
or the conditions of use on the same site; following the disassembly and subsequent reassembly of the lifting
machine; after any major replacement, repair or transformation concerning the essential components of the lifting
machine; or following any accident caused by the failure of an essential component of the lifting machine.
The maintenance booklet (order of 2nd March 2004 applicable from 1st April 2005) which must be used to record
the maintenance operations carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the
machine as well as any other inspection, maintenance operation, repair, replacement or modification carried out
on the machine. For each operation, it is essential to record the date of the work, the names of the people and,
where appropriate, the companies which carried out the work, the nature of the operation and, if it is a periodic
operation, the frequency. If the operations involve the replacement of certain components of the machine, the
references of these components are indicated. The English version of the maintenance booklet for our lifting
winches can be downloaded from our website www.huchez.fr/ uk under the heading "After sales services”. A copy
is however proposed in the annexes of this manual.
The inspections must be carried out in accordance with a protocol and are intended to ensure preventive maintenance
aimed at detecting any damage or defect liable to cause a hazard.
6 – Presentation of the machines
TRBoxter INOX winches are lifting and pulling machines manufactured according to the standards and regulations in