Checking Quantities and Types of Goods > Inspecting Goods > Installing the Typical Configuration Suite
> Installing Extension Components
> (Optional) Installing the Network Distribution Cabinet (for 300 and
600 Terminals)
The network distribution cabinet shares the same specifications and installation process with the All-in-One cabinet.
The network distribution cabinet is used to hold S3752 access switches.
The network distribution cabinet and IT cabinet connect to the PDU input ports on the power distribution box (PDB) in the All-in-
One cabinet. In this way, power can be supplied to the network distribution cabinet and IT cabinet.
Checking Quantities and Types of Goods > Inspecting Goods > Installing the Typical Configuration Suite
> Installing Extension Components
> (Optional) Installing the Battery Cabinet (for All Scenarios)
If customers require more than 1 hour backup
power, install a battery cabinet.
The battery cabinet is installed in the same
way as the All-in-One cabinet.
For details about how to install batteries, see
Micro DC V100R001C00 Installation and
Operation Guide.