UPS5000-A-400 kVA
User Manual (50 kVA, PF=0.9)
4 Installation Verification
Issue 03 (2020-01-10)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Dry contacts
Set the dry contacts that you need to use. Otherwise, the UPS may not run properly.
When you disable a dry contact card, its dry contact signals are disabled.
After you enable a dry contact card, its dry contact signals can be displayed on the LCD.
Disable all the dry contacts for a dry contact card that is not connected and all the dry
contacts that are not used to prevent false alarms.
( ) encloses a unit, and [ ] encloses silk screen.
Specify dry contact settings on the following cards:
Dry contact card (MUE05A): provides dry contact signals for the battery grounding
failure detector, D.G., BCB box, and PDCs.
Backfeed protection board (MUE06A): provides backfeed protection signals. You need
only to enable or disable this board.
Monitoring interface card (MUS05A): provides four routes of configurable output dry
contact signals.
Dry contact extended card (MUE07A): provides two routes of input signals and one
route of output signals.
Set the dry contact parameters, as shown in
Figure 4-33
Dry Contacts screen 1