Figure 2-4
Recommended usage of the RF ports for DBS3900 V100R004C00, DBS3900 GSM
V100R013C00 and DBS3900 WCDMA V200R013C00
shows the recommended usage of the RF ports on an RRU3942 used for DBS3900
GSM V100R014C00 and later versions.
Figure 2-5
Recommended usage of the RF ports for DBS3900 GSM V100R014C00 and later
shows the recommended usage of the RF ports on an RRU3942 used for DBS3900
V100R007C00 and later versions, DBS3900 WCDMA V200R014C00 and later versions,
DBS3900 LTE V100R005C00 and later versions.
Hardware Description
2 RRU Introduction
Issue 02 (2012-06-29)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.