Damage to the hardware or data of the equipment due to customer's
negligence, improper operation, or intentional damage
System damage caused by improper operations of a third party or customer,
including those in transportation, installation, and adjustment, alteration, or
removal of identification marks
General Requirements
Improper operations on high-voltage equipment may cause an electric shock or
fire, which could result in death, serious injury, or serious property damage.
Perform standard operations as follows:
● Do not install, use, or operate outdoor equipment and cables (including but not
limited to moving equipment, operating equipment and cables, inserting
connectors to or removing connectors from signal ports connected to outdoor
facilities, working at heights, and performing outdoor installation) in harsh
weather conditions such as lightning, rain, snow, and level 6 or stronger wind.
● Observe the operation procedures and safety precautions provided in this
manual and other related documents.
● Observe the safety precautions specified in the warning signs and protection
labels on the equipment.
● Use correct tools properly as required in this manual.
● Do not perform installation, cable connection, maintenance, or replacement
when the equipment is energized.
● Do not clean the equipment with water.
● Do not open the host panel of the equipment.
● Check that the equipment is not damaged. For example, check that the battery
is not dropped, bumped, or dented on the enclosure.
● Before handling a conductor surface or terminal, measure the contact point
voltage and ensure that there is no risk of electric shock.
● Repaint any paint scratches caused during equipment transportation or
installation in a timely manner. Equipment with scratches cannot be exposed to
an outdoor environment for a long period of time.
● Ensure that battery terminal components are not affected during
transportation. Do not hoist or move batteries by using battery terminals.
● Without prior consent from the manufacturer, do not alter the internal
structure or installation procedure of the equipment.
● In the case of a fire, immediately leave the building or the equipment area, and
turn on the fire alarm bell or make an emergency call. Do not enter the
building on fire in any case.
User Manual
1 Safety Precautions
Issue 06 (2022-03-01)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.