Airbridge DBS3900 CDMA Base Station
Product Description
5 Operation and Maintenance of the BTS
Issue 11 (2010-06-18)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Equipment Management
Equipment management refers to equipment maintenance and data configuration. The detailed
functions are as follows:
Equipment maintenance refers to maintenance of the equipment or boards, for example,
board resetting, management of equipment status, equipment self-testing, active/standby
switchovers, and time calibration.
Data configuration refers to configuration, querying, and backing up of equipment
parameters, for example, configuration of the BTS hardware, configuration of clock
parameters, configuration of algorithm parameters, and configuration of RF parameters.
Software Management
The functions involved in software management are as follows:
Software activation
Checks of compatibility between software and hardware versions
Version management, for example, querying of hardware and software versions
Upgrades of software versions
Configuration Management
The functions involved in configuration management are as follows:
Consistency checks for added, deleted, and Changed data of the BTS
Automatic data backup
Dynamic and static modes for data configuration. In dynamic mode, changes made to
data take effect immediately. In static mode, changes made to data take effect after the
BTS is reset.
Service Management
The functions involved in service management are as follows:
The BTS provides the boards and environment monitoring device with OM functions
such as parameter configuration and alarm querying.
The BTS supports comprehensive hardware installation and self-testing functions.
Performance Management
The functions involved in performance management are as follows:
The system monitors the performance of the internal and external communication
network. Alarms are generated when the performance becomes poor.
The system monitors traffic on each port and collects technical data of each port.
The system supports the monitoring of the usage of key components such as the CPU.
Security Management
Security management involves functions such as connection management between the BTS
software and the OMC, subscriber authentication, and bi-directional resolution of encryption
and interface messages.