3 Commissioning Process
Airbridge BTS3606E&3606AE
System Commissioning Guide
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Issue 02 (2006-10-10)
Obs chan power
Channel power in the feedback
Obs gain adjust
Gain adjustment in the feedback
Obs gain Identical
Channel gain identical adjustment in the feedback
IF gain adjust
Adjustment of the intermediate frequency gain
RF gain adjust
Adjustment of the radio frequency gain
DDU gain adjust
Adjustment of the DDU gain
PD RMS Error
Adjust value of pre-distortion
DAC Input Power
Power before conversion
RF Forward Power
The power of the RF signal output port
Example of Test Result
This example shows the full power output of the BTS3606E or BTS3606AE when the CMTR
or OMTR is used to provide three carriers.
Base band power: carrier0 = ***, carrier1 = ***, carrier2 = ***
Digital power : carrier0 = ***, carrier1 = ***, carrier2 = ***
Attenuation : carrier0 = ***, carrier1 = ***, carrier2 = ***
Digital power sum = ***., HPA Output power = ***, HPA Input power = ***
Obs chan power = ***, Obs gain adjust = ***, Obs gain Identical = ***
IF gain adjust = ***, RF gain adjust = ***, DDU gain adjust = ***
PD RMS Error = ***, DAC Input Power = ***, RF Forward Power = ***
Analysis of Test Result
The analysis of the test result is described as follows:
The normal output power (Digital power) for a carrier is 43 dBm
1 dB (that is, 20 W
1 dB).
If the test result displayed on the power meter is out of normal range, compare it with the
result of interface tracing.
Some common troubleshooting methods are as follows:
If the test result displayed on the power meter is out of normal range, start interface
tracing to check the values of the parameters
Base band power
Digital power
, and
HPA Output power
In theory, if the value of the parameter
Base band power
is not normal, the values of
Digital power
HPA Output power
are also not normal. In such a case, check if the
BTS gain is set correctly. If BTS gain is correct, analyze the CCPM performance and
CECM performance by querying BTS configuration and checking the