6.4 Relay Installation for fuel and power cut off---Port 1 Pin4
The Relay is an optional accessory. There are two types relay: 12VDC and 24VDC. Please choose the correct type
before installing Relay (Please use power meter to detect the vehicle voltage to choose the correct type of relay).
Connecting method:
(1) Port 1 Green line connect to relay 86 feet
(2) Relay 85 feet connect to main power supply of the vehicle.
(3) Cut the fire wire of the vehicle, tandem connect with the Relay two green wires. .(Usually to realize remotely
fuel cut-off via controlling to cut ignition wire.)
6.5 Panic button installation---Port 2
To connect the panic button, please find the port 2 pin6 Green line is the panic button signal line, port 2 pin5 black
line is GND, Connect SOS button to Port2 Pin6 and Port2 Pin5, Press the SOS button for 3s will trigger SOS alarm
White Wire