8. FAQ
8.1 Equipment Non-online
(1) Inspecting the equipment signal light, it shows general server connection normal when green GSM signal
light keep on; It shows SIM card loose or no connection with server when this light flash every 1 second, and
it can be tried to shutdown and install the SIM card again.
(2) Please try to dial SIM card number if the SIM card possesses phone call function. And it will be call
through automatically in general; It can be tried to shutdown and install the SIM card again when it prompts
power off or “can not be connected for the moment.
(3) Please contact the technical personnel to assist disposing and rework, if both the green signal light and
phone call function are normal and the equipment still be non-online.
8.2 Can not Location after Equipment Online
(1) Inspecting the equipment signal light after equipment power on, it shows successful location if the yellow
GPS signal light flashes once each 1 seconds; it shows non-location if this light keep off, in this time, please
confirm whether GPS ceramic side is upward, whether there are metal objects surrounding the equipment.
(2) Please restart the equipment, and set it on open outdoor ground, supplying power by built-in battery and
Check if it can locate successfully, when installation and location of equipment are all correct.
(3) Please contact the technical personnel to assist disposing and rework, if it still can not locate in open
outdoor ground.
8.3 Equipment Off-line when Operation
(1) Confirm if the SIM card is in arrearage at first;
(2) Please try to dial SIM card number if the SIM card possesses phone call function. And it will be calling
through automatically in general, in this time, it can be sent short message(#000000,REST) to the equipment
for restarting; if it still can not be on-line after restart, please check the equipment and restart manually.
(3) There is possibility that the vehicle is located in underground garage and other place with poor signal, if
the dialed phone prompts power off or “can not be connected for the moment”. When the vehicle comes
out from the underground garage, the equipment will recover network and be on-line automatically; Please
check the equipment and restart manually if it is confirmed that the surrounding situation is well and there is
driving during off-line. The surrounding situation is well and there is driving during off-line.
(4) Please contact the technical personnel to assist disposing and rework, if it still can not be on-line after
restart the equipment manually.
8.4 The Accuracy of Satellite Location is not enough.
(1) Please confirm the equipment is in on open outdoor ground or there is no metal cover on the installation
place of GPS antenna.
(2) The accuracy of satellite location is about 10m, accuracy is not enough because the equipment has been
transferred in indoors. It will be changed to base station location in indoors, due to the double models of
location including GPS and base station. The accuracy of base station varies from 50m to hundreds of meters
according to the base station density in its environment.
● False Login when login the system, appearing non-existence of this IMEI No. or client account. Please