When installing the heater, consideration must be given to proper location. Locate in an area with
adequate air supply, as close to the stack or chimney and as centralized to the piping system as possible.
This unit must be installed on a non-combustible surface.
There is a risk in using fuel burning appliances, such as oil water heaters, in rooms, garages, or other
areas where gasoline, other flammable liquids, or engine driven equipment or vehicles are stores,
operated, or repaired. Flammable vapors are heavy and travel along the floor. These vapors may be
ignited by the heater ignition system or burner flames, causing fire or explosion.
Some local codes permit operation of oil appliances in these areas if installed 18 inches or more above
the floor. This may reduce the risk of ignition.
In these circumstances, the heater must be located or protected so it is not subject to physical damage by
a moving vehicle.
Flammable items, pressurized containers, or any other potentially hazardous articles must never be
placed on or adjacent to the heater. Open containers of flammable material must be stored or used in the
same room with the heater.
NOTE: The heater must not be located in an area where it will be subject to freezing.
Locate heater near a floor drain, where leakage from the tank or connections will not result in damage to
the adjacent area or to lower floors of the structure.
When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable metal drain pan, adequately drained, should be
installed under the heater. Suc
h pans should be fabricated with sides at least 2” deep, with length and
width at least 2” greater than the diameter of the heater, and must be piped to a drain. The pan must not
restrict combustion air flow.