Index 255
Contacts 73
- add new 71
- edit 75
- search 74
Creating another email account 103
Data Connection 110
Data roaming 227
Date 200
Desk Clock 198
Disconnecting a Bluetooth hands-free
headset or car kit 130
Editing email account settings 108
- create and send 156
- open 157
- receive and read 157
Emergency call 61
- create 188
Extended Home screens 40
External email accounts
- add 102
- compose and send emails 105
- delete a message 108
- sort 108
Facebook and Flickr 70, 79
Folders 43
Footprints 210
- creating 210
- deleting 211
- editing 211
- Revisiting 211
Friends list 165
Getting around your phone 35
Gmail 154
- create and send emails 156
Google Maps 168
Google Talk 162
- change the settings 168
- change your status 163
- friends list 165
- sign in automatically 163
GPS satellites 169
Groups 76
Home page 115
Home screen 40
- extended Home screens 40
HTC Sync 203
HTC widget 43
Inside the box 31
Internet 110, 115, 233