s y s t e m
Interleaving enables you to mix channels together. This means you could have a Syfy
channel channel that plays all the regular programming, that also interleaves a Sci-Fi
Genre Movie every 10 shows.
It can also be used to mix in some channel fillers, for example mixing “Manswers” clips into
your Spike-TV Channel. How about mixing in some Concerts & Special Events into your
MTV Channel?
Another good use is to interleave channel bumpers and/or adverts into your channels.
1) Create a new channel and set it to use your bumpers, adverts, channel fillers or specials.
2) Add a rule to hide this channel.
3) On your main channel, add a rule to interleave the hidden channel.
4) Set “Min & Max Interleave Count” options as needed.
- If Min & Max counts are set to 1, it will add the bumper after each show
- If Min & Max counts are set to 2, it will add the bumper after every second show
- If Min = 1 and Max = 3, it will add the bumper after every 1,2 or 3 shows (at random)
Note: If you have multiple interleave rules, they will be followed systematically from top to
bottom. If you want it to be Episode > Advert > Bumper > Episode > Advert > Bumper,
then you will need two rules:
Rule 1: (Advert) Min = 1, Max = 1, Starting = 1
Rule 2: (Bumper) Min = 2, Max = 2, Starting = 1
Channel Bumpers are the videos that play between shows on some channels that contain
the channel logo in some fancy way. Many channels have these, and it’s recommended to
download them and interleave them into your own channels to get another step closer to the
full Cable experience.
You can go to YouTube and search for them there – great keywords are “bumper”, “ident”
and “logo” which should be used along with the channel name.
YouTube Video downloaders or Browser plug-ins are needed to download these videos. I
recommend the “Video DownloadHelper” plug-in if you use Firefox.
Some people upload a wide variety of Bumpers zipped up into one file, too.
What is Interleaving?
Interleave Procedure:
What are Bumpers?
These can be found easily on YouTube as well.
Download them in 720p or higher as 30 second or so adverts are small in filesize.