The MCS unit cools and circulates air through the 10642 G2 rack as outlined in the following steps
(Figure 2):
The rack-mounted components in the 10642 G2 rack receive cooled air from the MCS unit. The
cooled air provides cooling for the components.
As the components warm the air, the warm air is expelled through the MCS heat exchangers
located at the rear of the MCS unit.
Warmed air is channeled back into the MCS unit.
The air is cooled and then re-circulated to the front of the rack.
Figure 2
. MCS cooling process
Table 1 lists the key features of the HP MCS.
Table 1. HP MCS key features
Feature Description
Cooling Capacity of up to 35
kilowatts (kW)
Supports a maximum configuration of blade servers, which requires a power load of
approximately 35 kW. The HP MCS provides 2,700 cubic-feet-per-minute (CFM) of
cool air distributed along the full height of the rack
Power Input Redundancy
Automatically detects power failure and switches to alternate source.
Environmental Control and Safety
Provides a full range of monitoring systems, including environmental control of the
cooled air temperature being placed in front of the servers. The heat exchanger units
features safety quick disconnect valves that prevent chilled water leakage during
Hot-swappable components
Fans and heat exchangers can be replaced while the unit is operating providing
greater flexibility for servicing the HP MCS.
The MCS ships standard with a shock pallet that allows for factory integration of IT
equipment of up to 2000 Lbs. It can also ship empty to a VAR for integration and
then ship configured to the final destination.